SRVO-038 SERVO Pulse mismatch
This error occurs if one or more axis had moved while the controller power was off.
Press F1, [TYPE]
Select Master/Cal – If “Master/Cal” is not in the list – select “Variables” – scroll to variable “MASTER_ENB” and set to “1”. Now press F1 and select “Master/Cal”
Press F3, [RES_PCA]
Select menus->system
Press F1[TYPE] Select variables
Cursor down to $DMR_GRP
Hit enter twice
Cursor to $master_done and set it to true
Press F1[TYPE] Select master/cal
Hit calibrate – You should see numbers generated on lower part of screen showing that the calibration worked. There should be no faults at the top of the screen. Verify that your positions are now good before running program